Travel Story: Gothenburg, among the roots of Laguna Cyprien

In the creative process we seek to hold on to our roots, remember them and find inspiration that is very close to our identity. Laguna Cyprien is a project made up of different roots, skies and people, that is why we traveled nine thousand kilometers to evoke a very special part of our origin and thus be able to share it with you.

Gothenburg, home and origin

Laguna Cyprien was born in Mexico, uniting the friendship of two creative minds, one of them originally from Mexico and the other from Gothenburg, Sweden. Even though this project is built day by day in Mexico City, we cannot help but be nourished by these Swedish roots.

Katarina, co-founder, welcomed us in the cold and calm that characterizes Swedish cities. Nature said goodbye to winter and we slowly saw spring approach with blue skies and cold winds. The architecture and colors surrounded us with inspiration, stopping time and allowing us to absorb the present. And between walks we perceived some of our favorite aromas, which we constantly seek to include in our spaces and which remind us of this little piece of land:

“Forest aromas because in Sweden we spend a lot of time in nature, in forests and lakes. Despite the climate we spend a lot of time outside, all year round. Aromas of dill, which is used in a lot of food.”

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The roots of Laguna Cyprien

Central to the founders’ shared vision for the brand and the lifestyle they lead and share through daily rituals is the Scandinavian approach to minimalist, efficient living. This is reflected in the products’ ingredients, their simple, high-quality nature, and their clean design that seeks to complement personal spaces.

This Swedish root has allowed the brand to be built from the essential: the contemplation of what surrounds us, our connection with nature, the construction of personal moments that we can inhabit in the present and the activation of the senses.

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