Pro Art, a necessary initiative

Arte Pro is a non-profit organization that, based on the relationship between art, science and social psychology, has built the opportunity to positively impact the lives of children. Some time ago we crossed paths with the founder, Luz, and we decided to join a project in which we believe and where we know that there is something very valuable that we want to share with our community.

What is Arte Pro?

In 2014, Luz Pro decided to pursue a dream that had been brewing inside her for some time. Her passion for the arts and her career as a curator and advisor, as well as some ventures in the industry and her constant involvement in projects as a volunteer, gave her the tools, and above all the energy, to merge her interest in social aspects and her concern for enriching a vehicle of sensitivity through art.

Arte Pro came from a force of wanting to heal something on a collective level and on a personal level.

Arte Pro, which is currently celebrating its tenth anniversary, has designed and implemented programs capable of truly generating an impact, far beyond its difficulties and challenges. Through workshops ranging from agroecology, dance, cinema, to mindfulness and yoga, and accompanied by psychological and neurological processes, boys and girls discover, learn and discover other ways of dreaming and creating.

Arte Pro works primarily with children between the ages of 5 and 12 who are vulnerable, at risk, abused, in extreme poverty, abandoned, or subjected to violence, or who were born in prison. One of its most important populations is that of girls and young women who are victims of abuse, prostitution, human trafficking, and teenage pregnancy. In addition, its programs have been implemented in foster homes, shelters, refuges, and foster homes in Mexico City, and also in prisons and detention centers for adolescents, in marginalized populations and neighborhoods with high rates of violence. They have worked in indigenous communities, as was the case of the community school they built in San Pedro Mixtepec, Oaxaca, where the accumulation of all the methodology they have been building for years allowed them to approach a new community, get to know them, learn from them, and collaborate to design a program that would adapt to their needs and tastes.

This creative and conscious approach provides tools for self-reflection and introspection, creating a space for personal dialogue and awareness that fosters self-reliance, self-respect, respect for the opinions of others, and a critical and practical mindset.

How can I get involved with Arte Pro?

At Laguna Cyprien we invite our community to be part of projects that exist from empathy. In our online store you can make donations that we give entirely to Arte Pro, in addition to a percentage of the sale of each solid soap.
It is also possible to approach the organization directly to participate as a volunteer during one of the workshops. At Laguna Cyprien we participated a few weeks ago with the Personal Care workshop for girls: Self-love and activation of the senses, where we explored meditation, outlined our own body and shared what we love about ourselves and our classmates, to play with the senses and connect with our being.

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A future of art to dream about

From the beginning we knew that one of the main pillars of Laguna Cyprien is the commitment to social causes that directly impact not only our lives, but also those of many other people. For us it has been very special to connect with the philosophy of Arte Pro and get involved from our area of ​​expertise and discover new ways to support them. When we think of community we highlight everything that unites us, that allows us to identify ourselves, and that also helps us to continue a process of mutual growth.

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True impacts occur when social organizations approach the space willing to listen, to look, to recognize, to understand and to learn long before teaching and imposing. Projects that arrive at a space and do not take the time to learn about ways of life different from the ones we live are losing the opportunity to grow as a community. Arte Pro reminds us that social work occurs from a horizontal, completely human and empathetic position.

Learn more about the workshops and their scientific work here: